I just completed the annotated bibliography for Scott Westerfeld's Uglies - high fives anyone? :D

I sat for a moment and thought, "With all the work I've put into this project... It can't be finished just like that, can it?"
I'm finding it hard to believe I'm finished (besides the response I'll have to do for the project come exam day).

But... I am finished, aren't I?

I'm going to cry tears of joy - I'm so happy. A ton of weight lifted off my shoulders.
Seriously, people in my ENG 3U/4U class, the summative has to be SO much easier than an exam.
I really hope you finish in time if you're doing the summative - it feels 
6/20/2013 04:02:20 am

You are done!!Fantastic work! You earned your credit with flying colours AND you are exempt from writing the exam. Isn't that awesome?!?!?!

6/24/2013 07:12:18 am

That IS awesome!


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